“It suck’d me first, and now sucks thee,

And in this flea our two bloods mingled be.”
What is the modern version of the 16th century love letter?

In our modern world our relationships are mainly carried out virtually, utilising technology that will one day become totally obsolete.

In this project, we explored how our digital communications and romantic lives could be archived in a physical form that would be preserved further into the future than our current technology allows.

We used processes such as printmaking and 3D to evaluate best methods for this documentation, exploring the interplay of traditional and developing technologies.

These objects that we use to fall in love, to argue with strangers on the internet, to share Liam Payne shitposts, to share thinkpieces about the cultural meaning of Hailey Beiber's blueberry milk nails, to scribe overwroght declarations of heartbreak to then delete them entirely; what meaning to they have when we divorce them from their functionality entirely? What happens to the messages you don't send? Will there be any record of our cultural expression and perspectives when phones are just fossilised rocks in the earth?